Monday, October 5, 2009

Curiosity Killed the Cat

Keep to a path far from her (adulteress), do not go near the door of her house, lest you give your best strength to others and your years to one who is cruel. (Proverbs 5:8-9)

We’ve got some great word-pictures in the English language, and for those of us who are not cat lovers, curiosity killed the cat is one of them. I think of it every time the neighbour’s cat comes and drinks from our dog’s water dish, just outside our back door window. She constantly dangles at the brink of danger and even flaunts her audacity with a flick of her tail. She goes from yard to yard and checks out all of the other pet’s dishes in our complex, but one day she’s going to get a surprise. You see the new neighbours down the road have a big, mangy, mutt and it’s not afraid of cats.

Proverbs chapter five speaks of one specific sin, but the principle applies to all others. What is common is our bent towards pushing the limit and seeing how close we can get to something without getting burnt. This chapter is clear; stay away from it!

I’ve been reading Drops from a Leaking Tap by George Verwer, the founder of Operation Mobilisation, a mission group with over 3,000 members around the world. He shares an honest struggle of how he as a leader has dealt with pornography and sexual sin, with what he calls a “grace awakened” approach to avoiding the traps set along his way. The first word of advice he gives about temptation is “don’t go looking for it, because if you do, it will find you.”

One of the roles of the Holy Spirit is to guide us in all truth, and to guide our feet, eyes, and ears. Submitting to the Spirit will make us sensitive to the places we shouldn’t meander, and those things which lead to destruction. My prayer today (and every day) is that He keep me to a path that is aligned with God’s will for my life.

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